Ulrich Ansorge

Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna
Professor of Cognitive Psychology

Christiane Atzmüller

Researcher at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna

Thomas A. Bauer

Thomas A. Bauer

Department of Communication, University of Vienna
Professor emeritus

Rino Bosso

Rino Bosso

PhD candidate in English linguistics at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna  »More

Susanne Blumesberger

Susanne Blumesberger

Austrian Association for the Study of Children's and Young Adult Literature/ Phaidra (University Library of Vienna)  »More

Brigitta Busch

Brigitta Busch

Researcher and lecturer at the Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna »More

Mark Coeckelbergh

Mark Coeckelbergh

Professor of Philosophy of Media and Technology, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna   »More

Sébastien François

(c) Walter Skokanitsch

Postdoctoral researcher in Media Studies and Media Sociology

Petra Ederer

Petra Ederer

External Lecturer; PhD student at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna   »More

Michael Funk

University Assistant and PhD-Student at the Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna

Simon Ganahl

Simon Ganahl

Departments of German Studies and Communication Science, University of Vienna

Katharina Ghamarian

Katharina Ghamarian

Doctoral studies, uni:docs fellow (prae doc) at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna   »More

Barbara Göbl

Barbara Göbl

PostDoc at the Computational Empowerment Lab of the Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna   »More

Tilo Grenz

Tilo Grenz

Research Coordinator, Bertha von Suttner Private University St. Pölten  

Christian Haider

University Assistant (prae doc), Department of Educational Psychology, University of Vienna   »More

Daniel Hämmerle

Daniel Hämmerle

PhD student at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna   »More

Jonas Hassemer

Jonas Hassemer

Postdoc assistant at the Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna   »More

Petra Herczeg

Petra Herczeg

Department of Communication, University of Vienna
Vice-Study Programme Director and Senior Lecturer

Dayana Hristova

Dayana Hristova

PhD student in Cognitive science at the Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna   »More

Julia Hüttner

Julia Hüttner

Professor of English Language Education, Dept of English and American Studies and Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna  »More

Suzana Jovicic

Suzana Jovicic

PhD Researcher at the Department for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna   »More

Nadja Kerschhofer-Puhalo

Nadja Kerschhofer-Puhalo

Project leader "My Literacies", University of Vienna    »More

Fares Kayali

Professor of Digital Education and Learning at the Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna   »More

Philipp Knopp

Philipp Knopp

Doctoral candidate at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna 

Miya Komori-Glatz

Post-doctoral Senior Lecturer in English Business Communication, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business   »More

Stefan Krammer

Stefan Krammer, (c) Barbara Mair

(c) Barbara Mair

German Department, University of Vienna
Professor of German Literature and its Didactics

Marlene Kollmayer

Marlene Kollmayer

University Assistant (Post doc) at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna   »More

Matthias Leichtfried

Matthias Leichtfried

University Assistant (Prae doc) at the Department of German Studies, University of Vienna   »More

Sonja Loidl

University Assistant (Post doc) at the Department of German Literature, University of Vienna

Marko Lüftenegger

Marko Lüftenegger

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna  

Phoebe Maares

Phoebe Maares

Predoctoral Researcher at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna  »More

Julia Malle

Julia Malle

Fellow at the Vienna Doctoral Academy and University Assistant in German Didactics, University of Vienna

Ariane Manutscheri

Ariane Manutscheri

University Assistant (prae doc) at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna   »More

Florian Mayrhofer

Florian Mayrhofer

(c) Klaus Ranger

Pre-Doc-Assistant at the Department for Practical Theology - Religious Education and Catechetics, University of Vienna   »More

Miriam Mayrhofer

Miriam Mayrhofer

External Lecturer at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna

Christina Misar-Dietz

Christina Misar-Dietz

Prae doc Assistant at the Department of German Language and Literature, University of Vienna  

Jan-Hendrik Müller

Jan-Hendrik Müller

University assistent and PhD-Student at the Department for Theatre-, Film- and Media Studies, University of Vienna   »More

Monika Palmberger

Monika Palmberger

Elise Richter Research Fellow, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna    »More

Michaela Pfadenhauer

Michaela Pfadenhauer, (c) Barbara Mair

(c) Barbara Mair

Department of Sociology, University of Vienna
Professor of Sociology

Viera Pirker

Viera Pirker (c) Josef Krpelan

(c) Josef Krpelan

Professor for Religius Education and Media Didactics at Goethe University Frankfurt, Department for Catholic Theology   »More

Ilse Porstner

Ilse Porstner

PhD in linguistics, University of Vienna

Albert Rafetseder

Albert Rafetseder

Research Group Cooperative Systems, University of Vienna

Jutta Ransmayr

(c) Sandra Lehecka

Department of German Studies, University of Vienna   »More

Barbara Katharina Reschenhofer

Barbara Katharina Reschenhofer

PhD candidate in English and American Studies, University of Vienna   »More

Oleksandra Romaniuk

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna   »More

Claudia Sackl

Claudia Sackl

Doctoral student at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna    »More

Maria Schlechter

Maria Schlechter

Prae doc at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna  

Maria Schreiber

Maria Schreiber

Post doc Researcher at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna  

Barbara Schober

Barbara Schober

Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education and Economy, University of Vienna
Dean of the Faculty of Psychology   »More

Alexandra Schurz

Alexandra Schurz

PhD student at the Department of English and American Studies

Christina C. Schuster

Christina C. Schuster

(c) Vincent Sufiyan

Doctoral student and Uni:docs fellow at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna   »More

Thomas Slunecko

Thomas Slunecko

Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna
Professor at the Institute for Basic Psychological Research   »More

Marlene Schwarz

Marlene Schwarz

Language teacher, teacher mentor, researcher and external lecturer at the Department of English, University of Vienna   »More

Julia Sonnleitner

Julia Sonnleitner

Hertha Firnberg Programme, FWF. Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna

Jürgen Spitzmüller

Jürgen Spitzmüller, (c) Barbara Mair

(c) Barbara Mair

Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna
Professor of Applied Linguistics

Ulrike Zartler

Associate Professor of Family Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna

Manuela Wipperfürth

Manuela Wipperfürth

Post doc researcher and lecturer for ELT Method-ology, Dept of English and American Studies, University of Vienna   »More

Sabine Zelger

Sabine Zelger

Professor of Pedagogy for German Studies, University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems (KPH)   »More