Ulrich Ansorge
Ulrich Ansorge
Professor of Cognitive Psychology, University of Vienna
Research interests
visual attention
conscious and non-conscious human information processing
visuo-spatial processing
Academic career
2009 – present Professor of Cognitive Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Vienna, Austria
2008 – 2009 Guest Professor, Faculty of Psychology, Vienna, Austria
2007 – 2008 Heisenberg fellow of the DFG; Institute of Cognitive Science; University of Osnabrück, Germany; School of Psychology; Birkbeck College London, UK
2006 – 2007 Associate Professor General Psychology; University of Osnabrück, Germany
1997 – 2006 Research assistant; Faculty of Psychology und Sports Science; University of Bielefeld, Germany
2000 PhD, Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Select publications
- Weichselbaum, H., Huber-Huber, C., & Ansorge, U. (in press). Attention capture is temporally stable: Evidence from mixed-model correlations. Cognition.
- Huber-Huber, C., & Ansorge, U. (2018). Unconscious conflict adaptation without feature priming and response time carry-over. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44, 169-175.
- Schöberl, T., Ditye, T., & Ansorge, U. (2018). Same-location costs in peripheral cueing: The role of cue awareness and feature changes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44, 433-451.
- Huber-Huber, C., & Ansorge, U. (2017). The role of RT carry-over for congruence sequence effects in masked priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43, 757-780.
- Ansorge, U., Khalid, S., & Laback, B. (2016). Unconscious cross-modal priming of auditory sound localization by visual words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 42, 925-937.
- Horstmann, G., & Ansorge, U. (2016). Surprise capture and inattentional blindness. Cognition, 157, 237-249.
- Huber-Huber, C., Grubert, A., Ansorge, U., & Eimer, M. (2015). Naso-temporal ERP differences: Evidence for increased inhibition of nasal distractors. Journal of Neurophysiology, 113, 2210-2219.
- Forster, M., Ansorge, U., & Leder, H. (2013). It felt fluent and I liked it: Subjective feeling of fluency rather than objective fluency determines liking. Emotion, 13, 280-289.
- Martens, U., Ansorge, U., & Kiefer, M. (2011). Controlling the unconscious: Attentional task sets modulate subliminal semantic and visuo-motor processes differentially. Psychological Science, 22, 282-291.
- Ansorge, U., Kiefer, M., Khalid, S., Grassl, S., & König, P. (2010). Testing the theory of embodied cognition with subliminal words. Cognition, 116, 303-320.