Thomas Slunecko

Thomas Slunecko

Professor at the Institute for Basic Psychological Research,
Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna


Research Interests
Interpretation of cultural artefacts
qualitative methodology
media theory
applied phenomenology
cultural psychology




Professional Activities

  • Member of the editorial boards of international journals such as Culture and Psychology, Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, Journal für Psychologie, Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies, Asian Journal of Social Psychology. Editor of book series in psychotherapy (facultas/UTB, 10 volumes so far) and a social scientific image interpretation (Barbara Budrich, 8 volumes so far).
  • Scientific director of the Vienna-based Institute for Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Social Research (IKUS).
  • Member of the Council for Psychotherapy at the Austrian Federal Chancellary.
  • Apart from, but inspired by his academic activities, Thomas Slunecko has been a consultant in the media sector (strategic coaching, product analysis and development, brand, corporate identity and positioning).

Academic Education
Studies in medicine, philosophy, anthropology and psychology in Vienna 1981-1988
Master (M.S.) in psychology, University of Vienna, Austria, 1988
licensed as a clinical psychologist 1992
licensed as a psychotherapist 1993
Dr. phil. in psychology, University of Vienna, 1995
Habilitation in psychology, University of Vienna, 2002

Prizes, Awards, Positions held
Fulbright Scholarship (spent at the California Inst: for Integral Studies/San Francisco)
Science Prize of the Austrian Association of Psychotherapists
Vice-dean at the University of Vienna’s Faculty of Psychology

Select Publications

  • T. Slunecko, M. Wieser & A. Przyborski (2017) Kulturpsychologie in Wien. Wien: facultas
  • A. Przyborski & T. Slunecko (2017/ahead of print) Dokumentarische Methode – ein praxeologischer Zugang für qualitative Forschung in der Psychologie. In G. Mey & K. Mruck (Hrsg.) Handbuch Qualitative Forschung in der Psychologie. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
  • M. Schmid & T. Slunecko (2014) Die gewusste Liebe. Aspekte einer wissensförmigen Herstellung romantischer Intimität. In K.-J. Bruder, C. Bialluch & B. Lemke (Hrsg.) Machtwirkungen & Glücksversprechen. Gewalt und Rationalität in Sozialisation und Bildungsprozessen. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 285-303
  • T. Slunecko & A. Przyborski (2009) Kulturdialog als Mediendialog. Journal für Psychologie, 17, 2
  • A. Przyborski & T. Slunecko (2009) Against reification. Praxeological methodology and its benefits. In J. Valsiner, P. Molenaar, M. Lyra and N. Chaudhary (eds.) Dynamic Process Methodology in the Social and Developmental Sciences. New York: Springer, 141-170
  • A. Przyborski & T. Slunecko (2009) Techno parties, soccer riots, and breakdance: Actionistic orientations as a principle of adolescence. In J. Valsiner, Peter Molenaar, Maria Lyra and Nandita Chaudhary (eds.) Dynamic Process Methodology in the Social and Developmental Sciences. New York: Springer, 527-540
  • T. Slunecko (2008) Von der Konstruktion zur dynamischen Konstitution. Beobachtungen auf der eigenen Spur. Wien: WUV (2., aktualisierte Auflage)
  • T. Slunecko & S. Hengl (2007) Language, cognition, subjectivity – a dynamic constitution. In J. Valsiner & A. Rosa (eds.) Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology. Cambridge University Press, 40-61
  • T. Slunecko (2003) Reality TV und postmoderner Affekt. Ein Laborbericht. In A. Birbaumer & G. Steinhardt (Hrsg.): Der flexibilisierte Mensch. Subjektivität und Solidarität im Wandel. Heidelberg: Asanger, 111-123

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