Sabine Zelger

Sabine Zelger

Professor of Pedagogy for German Studies at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems (KPH)

Research interests
German-language literature (20th and 21st century)
Literary theory (sociology, political theory, intersectionality)
Political education and literature
Pedagogy for literary and media studies
Gender and K-12 education
Research on bureaucracy, the telephone, fictions of the state, and narratives of agency

Academic career
2016-2018 Post-doctoral assistant and vice chair for program administration (Postdocassistentin und Vizestudienprogrammleitung), Department of German Studies, University of Vienna
Since 2014 Editorial and translation project on the Austrian Avant-garde, in collaboration with Patrick Greaney (University of Colorado Boulder) and Hiroshi Yamamoto (Waseda University, Tokyo)
2012-2018 Research project on "Post-democracy, agency, and literature", with Marion Löffler (University of Vienna), Georg Spitaler (Verein der Geschichte der ArbeiterInnenbewegung, Vienna), and Amália Kerekez (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
2011-2014 Center of German Language Teaching (Fachdidaktisches Zentrum Deutsch), University of Vienna, with a focus on political education and literary pedagogy
2000-2012 Research projects at the University of Vienna: FWF-Projects: "Day-To-Day Bureaucratic Life in Austria" and "Tropes of the State"; Sparkling Science Projects: "(Un)Doing Gender as a Lived Pedagogical Principle" in the Pedagogy for German Studies Center (Fachdidaktisches Zentrum Deutsch) and "Ethics and Health" in the Department of Philosophy
Development of the "Migramobil" at the Research Institute of the Vienna Red Cross
Since 2009 Instructor (Lehrbeauftragte) at the University of Vienna and other universities and institutions
1997 Dr. phil. at the University of Vienna

Select publications

  • with Werner Wintersteiner ed. "Menschen gehen." Flucht und Ankommen. (ide 1/2017)
  • "Der Einkaufswagen hat mich längst durchschaut". Mit Marktsatiren zu widerständiger Bildung. Kompetenz zum Widerstand. Eine Aufgabe für die politische Bildung. Ed. Fritz Reheis et al. Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau 2016. 217-227.
  • with Stefan Krammer ed. Literatur und Politik unterrichten (=Wiener Beiträge zur Politischen Bildung 4); Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau Verlag. 2015
  • with Doris Pfabigan ed. Mehr als Ethik. Reden über Körper und Gesundheitsnormen im Unterricht. Wien: Facultas 2012.
  • Das ist alles viel komplizierter, Herr Sektionschef! Bürokratie – literarische Reflexionen aus Österreich. Wien/Köln/Weimar: Böhlau Verlag 2009

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