Michaela Pfadenhauer
(c) Barbara Mair
Michaela Pfadenhauer
Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna; research area knowledge and culture
2002 Ph.D. in Sociology, TU Dortmund University, Germany
1994 Diploma (equivalent to a Master's degree) in Political Sciences, University of Bamberg, Germany
2014-present Professor of Sociology, University of Vienna
2007–2014 Professor of Sociology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2003–2007 Post-doctoral research fellow in Consumer Sociology at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, TU Dortmund University
2002–2003 Research assistant, Sociology Department, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
1997–2002 Research fellow at the Department of Sociology, TU Dortmund University
1995–1997 Research fellow at the Department of Sociology, LMU Munich
1995–1996 Editor of the social science journal Soziale Welt
Recent research grants
2017-2019 Research Project Alfred Schütz and the Viennese Circles Funding by the Thyssen Foundation
2014-2017 German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Program 1505: Mediatized Worlds: "Mediatization as a Business Model: Antidotes for Mediatization"
2012-2017 Quality Pact for Teaching - championing ideal study conditions: Mobile Technologies for Students' Self-monitoring and Self-management
2012–2014 German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Program 1505: Mediatized Worlds: "Mediatization as a Business Model: Consequences of the Entanglement of Supply and Application in a Digital Media Environment"
2012–2014 German Research Foundation: "Learning in the Youth Scene. Processes of Competence Acquisition in the Context of Scene Careers"
Select recent publications
2017 (Co-edited with Tilo Grenz) De-Mediatisierung. Diskontinuitäten, Non-Linearitäten und Ambivalenzen im Mediatisierungsprozess. Springer VS
2015 (Co-edited with Charles Ess and Satomi Sugyama) Social Robots: Form, Content, Critique. Theme Issue of The International Journal of Social Robotics
2015 (Co-edited with Ines Langemeyer und Martin Fischer) Epistemic and Learning Cultures. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa
2016 (Co-Authored with Christoph Dukat) Professionalisierung lebensweltlicher Krisen durch Technik? Zur Betreuung demenziell erkrankter Personen mittels sozial assistiver Robotik. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Sonderheft Handlungs- und Interaktionskrisen, 41(1), 115-131
2016 In-Between Spaces. Pluralism and Hybridity as Elements of a New Paradigm for Religion in the Modern Age. In: Human Studies, 39(1),2016, pp 147-159