Marlene Kollmayer

Marlene Kollmayer

University Assistant (Post doc)

Research interests
Gender stereotypes in education
toys and gender stereotypes
effects of gender-fair language
innovative methods for assessing gender stereotypes
intervention research

Academic career
2018 Dr. phil. (with distinction) at the University of Vienna
2013-2017 University assistant (pre doc) and scientific associate at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna

Select publications

  • Kollmayer, M., Pfaffel, A., Schober, B., & Brandt, L. (2018). Breaking Away From the Male Stereotype of a Specialist: Gendered Language Affects Performance in a Thinking Task. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:985.
  • Kollmayer, M., Schultes, M.-T., & Schober, B. (2018). Geschlechtstypisierung. In J. Strohmer, Psychologie-Wissen für Fachkräfte in Kita, Krippe und Hort (S. 201-208). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
  • Kollmayer, M., Schultes, M.-T., Schober, B., Hodosi, T., & Spiel, C. (2018). Parents’ judgements about the desirability of toys for their children: Associations with gender role attitudes, gender-typing of toys, and demographics. Sex Roles. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-017-0882-4.
  • Kollmayer, M., Schober, B., & Spiel, C. (2018). Gender stereotypes in education: Development, consequences, and interventions. European Journal of Developmental Psychology,15, 361-377.
  • Kollmayer, M. & Kurka, F. (2017). Sind Wissenschaft und Expertise männlich? Zwei innovative Verfahren zur impliziten Erfassung scheinbar verstaubter Geschlechterstereotype. In D. Bertel, J. Himmelsbach, B. Metzler, L. Möller, & A. Riedl (Hrsg.), Von der Reflexion zur Dekonstruktion? Kategorien und Stereotype als Gegenstand junger Forschung. Beiträge zur zweiten zu Kommunikation (S. 189-214). Wien: Danzig & Unfried.
  • Patzak, A., Kollmayer, M., & Schober, B. (2017). Buffering Impostor Feelings with Kindness: The Mediating Role of Self-compassion between Gender-role Orientation and the Impostor Phenomenon. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1289.
  • Pfaffel, A., Kollmayer, M., Schober, B., & Spiel, C. (2016).  A Missing Data Approach to Correct for Direct and Indirect Range Restrictions with a Dichotomous Criterion: A Simulation Study. PLOS ONE 21, e0152330. 
  • Schober, B., Brandt, L., Kollmayer, M., & Spiel, C. (2016). Overcoming the ivory tower: Transfer and societal responsibility as crucial aspects of the Bildung-Psychology approach. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 13(6), 636–651.

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