Susanne Reichl
(c) Barbara Mair
Susanne Reichl
Head of the Research Platform
Professor of Contemporary English Literature at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna
Research interests
children's and young adult literature
picturebooks and graphic novels
time travel narratives
cognitive approaches to reading literature
Black British and postcolonial literatures
British Cultural Studies
contemporary British writing
teacher education (with a focus on literature, culture and reading)
Academic career
Since Oct 2017: Professor of Contemporary English Literature, University of Vienna
2012-2014: Director of Studies, Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna
2012: Offer of a chair of British Cultural Studies at the Technical University Dortmund (rejected)
2011-2017: Associate Professor at the University of Vienna
2009 to date: Permanent position at the University of Vienna
WS 2008/2009: Temporary chair of English language education, English Department, Munster University
2008: Successful conclusion of the Habilitation process, University of Vienna
2005-2007: Erwin Schrödinger-grant of the FWF, cooperations with the universities of Nottingham, Giessen and Frankfurt
2005: Recipient of the Figdor Prize for Literary Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences
2001: Dr. phil. (with distinction) at the University of Vienna
Select publications
- "Turning Brian Selznick's pages: A multimodal celebration of the visual and the textual." Children's literature: Fractures and Disruptions. Ed. Ana Margarida Ramos et al. Cambridge Scholars, 2017. 262-275.
- "Only Time Will Well: The poetics and politics of Martin Amis's Time's Arrow and Jeanette Winterson's The Stone Gods." Die Macht des Erzählens. Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Ed. Winfried Eckel and Anja Müller-Wood. Gardez! Verlag, 2017. 245-261.
- with Miriam Mayrhofer. "Shaun Tan's The Lost Thing: An Exercise in Looking." Crossovers: Postcolonial Studies and Transcultural Learning. Ed. Christiane Lütge and Mark Stein. LitVerlag, 2017.
- "Reading race in British young adult fiction: Malorie Blackman and Benjamin Zephaniah." Jugendliteratur im Kontext von Jugendkultur. Ed. Heidi Lexe et al. Wien: Praesens Verlag, 2016. 210-224.
- "Articulating Cultural Meanings: The Example of the Golliwog(g)." Cases of Intervention. The Great Variety of British Cultural Studies. Ed. Marie Hologa et al. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2013. 165-181.
- with Barbara Schiftner, Barbara Mehlmauer-Larcher, and Julia Hüttner, ed. Theory and Practice in EFL Teacher Education: Bridging the Gap. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2012.
- Cognitive Principles, Critical Practice: Reading Literature at University. Göttingen: Vienna University Press V&R unipress, 2009.