Maria Schreiber

Maria Schreiber

Maria Schreiber studied Media and Communication Studies and Sociology in Vienna and Berlin from 2001 to 2007. From 2013 to 2017 Prae-Doc Researcher with the interdisciplinary DOC-team "Bildpraktiken" (funded by the Austrian Science Fund). Research Fellow at the University of Potsdam (Graduate School Visibility and Visualisation) and at the RMIT University Melbourne (Digital Ethnography Research Center) - funded by the Marietta Blau scholarship (ÖAD). In her doctoral thesis she focused on "Digital Picture Practices" and obtained her PhD in Communications in September 2017. Since November 2017 she is a Post-Doc Researcher with the project "VIS_BIO. Visual biographies in a connected lifeworld" at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna.

Recent Publications

  • (2017): Audiences, aesthetics and affordances: Analysing practices of visual communication on social media. In: Digital Culture & Society Vol. 3 (2).
  • (2017): Showing/Sharing: Analysing Visual Communication from a Praxeological Perspective. Media & Communication. Special Issue: “Visual Communication in the Age of Social Media: Conceptual, Theoretical and Methodological Challenges”. Vol 5 (4).

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